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and I feel it's important to challenge what defines the traditional understanding of a medium even if the result isn't entertaining

i could maybe move forward but im stuck in this limbo of regret you dont even know who i am resting could make things better waking up would

i cant see your eyes past the glare of the sun, something is always off about the way you wear your glasses or maybe it's the haircut you gave yourself because your hair seems to grow too much. is that why you make sure your bangs always cover your eyes, framing your face more than your glasses seem to do? it's funny. it's funny in the way endearing things can lose what made them endearing, i can't stand the sight of it anymore

im unsure about the future, but at least you know my fate, could you tell me if im fated for my

The last chord has died away. In the brief silence which follows I feel strongly that there it is, that something has happened. Some of these days You’ll miss me honey

admittedly the more i think about it the less i tend to care, i was wasting my time. why do youaways care less than me, i understand it is the way i look and i cant seem to be the defining beauty i should be but cant be and never will be. you are the combination of two evils and it manifests in the way you carry yourself